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Italian for Business and Administration

1 standard session (60 min.)

90 euro

Service Description

These private lessons focus on Italian language skills tailored specifically for business and administration contexts. Participants will learn essential vocabulary, phrases, and communication techniques necessary for effective business interactions in Italian-speaking environments. Topics covered may include business correspondence, presentations, negotiations, meetings, and industry-specific terminology. The lessons aim to develop language proficiency and confidence in using Italian for various business-related tasks, equipping participants with the skills needed to succeed in professional settings.


GENERAL - Fees are inclusive of all consultations, research, analysis, review activities and training materials. - This offer will be valid for a period of 30 days from the above date. If none of the services have been provided, either the consultant or the client may terminate the contract through email communication ( within 30 days. - All intellectual property and data generated during the consultancy process will remain the confidential and proprietary property of Anna Raimo. DISCLAIMER - The CLIENT acknowledges that once any part of the service has been provided, it is no longer possible to request a refund of expenses. - The CLIENT attests to having verified the professional capabilities of the CONSULTANT. LEGAL FRAMEWORK 1. This appointment is governed by Articles 2230 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code. 2. This contract is to be understood as a one-time arrangement. 3. The CONSULTANT shall carry out their activities with full organizational autonomy and without any subordination constraints, neither in terms of location nor working hours towards the CLIENT and in any case in agreement between the PARTIES. 4. The CLIENT shall actively collaborate with the CONSULTANT by providing all necessary information and details for the complete fulfilment of the entrusted assignment. 5. All disputes arising from this contract, including those relating to its formation, interpretation, execution, validity and legal existence, shall be subject to the arbitration procedure provided for by Legislative Decree no. 28/2010 and subsequent amendments and integrations (most recently Law no. 98 of 9 August 2013, amending Legislative Decree no. 69/2013). The PARTIES irrevocably declare that they will scrupulously comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, without having recourse to any other similar institution or to the courts. 6. For matters not provided for in this contract, the PARTIES expressly refer to the law and, in the absence thereof, to custom and usage.

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